01 Apr

Your logo is the first part of the brand that people notice, so it should be different from others. This is also the central image of how people remember your brand and how they connect with your brand. As, it’s great to explore your creativity when designing a logo, but some common mistakes can ruin your custom logo design.

In this article, we will discuss these five mistakes that you should avoid in a custom logo.

Poor Colour and Font Choice:

If the colours combination and the font selection are poor, it may degrade the overall quality. When choosing the colour for the symbol, make the colours match each other. In addition, you should not let the design depend on the colour of the effect. When it becomes black and white, it should still have the same details and effects.

For the text on the symbol, it is best to avoid using too many fonts. Likewise, use something that matches your brand's vibe. Also, try to avoid using multiple fonts, as this will make your symbol look unclear.

Forgetting About Customers:

Sometimes, businesses owner choose symbol design according to their taste and preference. They choose attractive colours, icons and fonts. But the problem is that they do not focus on the target customers taste and preference before custom logo design company the symbol. Before choosing the company should know who is your audience? Are they, men or women? Are they looking for a trustworthy image or something more interesting? The more you know about your customers’ preferences, the easier it is to form an image that appeals to them.

Avoid complex imagery.

The priority in making a logo is to keep it simple and make it memorable. Avoid using symbols, images, and words that only confuse people. When possible, always say it is simpler and shorter.

Unclear Inclusions:

There are certain characters, symbols and elements that are not needed to use in the design. The unnecessary items are only distracting the custom logo design.

For Instance: when creating the logo for the company there is no need to use elements like ‘INC’, “LLC”, “co” etc. 

Copycat Design:

This error of copycat design is more and more common. The purpose of the symbol is to represent the business. If it looks the same as others, it has failed in this regard. Copying others will not bring any benefit to your business. If you copy the other brands you will lose your customers, they will confuse your product with another competitor.

Also, don’t imitate your competition. Choose colours, shapes, icons, and fonts that make your business unique. By comparing the symbol and brand image with competitors, you can help customers easily identify your business and products.

For Instance:

The primary colour of Coca-Cola is red, while the primary colour of Pepsi is blue. Pepsi does not copy the colours of the market leader like most store brands but deliberately uses other colours to occupy a unique space in the minds of consumers. 


To conclude, when the company design the custom logo they should focus on their target customers. What is their customer’s preference? They should not choose poor colour combination and try to avoid complex imaginary.

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